    I'm using autogroup overlay (OpenLDAP 2.4.23, autogroup v. but the behaviour was the same with and I'm facing a strange situation.
Operations performed using openldap client tools work as expected. The same operations performed using a java client do not.
I've restricted the problematic operations to modifications of existing entries. Using attached slapd.conf and ldap.ldif it's quite simple to reproduce it.

Using openldap ldapmodify client:

add: description
description: test

modifies the entry AND triggers autogroup modify operation on group cn=description adding user2 as a member of the group (see slapd.log.ok.add)

The same operation performed with JExplorer modifies the entry but does NOT triggers autogroup modification (see slapd.log.java.add)

I've compared the two logs and overlay related modifications are completely skipped in the java client test.
Anyone has an explanation?

Note: adding a new entry or deleting an existing one (if it matches any of the criteria in memberUrl) works even with Jexplorer.


Luca Scamoni

Luca Scamoni

Gruppo Partners Associates
Tel. Milano +39 02 67380435 - Udine +39 0432 689815 - Roma +39 06 54832300
Fax Milano +39 02 67386214 - Udine +39 0432 570120 - Roma +39 06 91659273
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