Dear sir,

We have got a N-way master (N=4) openldap running in version 2.4.11 under linux environment.

The 4 servers can be synced immediately.  However, after running for several hours, 2 of the servers are synced immediately while the other 2 servers are synced after around 60 mins.

Scenairo :
- Server 1, 2, 3, 4 are synced.

After running for several hours, the following symptoms occur :
- update record in server 3, server 4 will be updated immediately, but server 1 and server 2 got the update 1 hour later.
- update record in server 4, server 3 will be updated immediately, but server 1 and server 2 got the update 1 hour later.
- update record in server 1, server 2 will be updated immediately, but server 3 and server 4 got the update 1 hour later.
- update record in server 2, server 1 will be updated immediately, but server 3 and server 4 got the update 1 hour later.

Server 1 and server 2 are in same LAN segment, server 3 and server 4 in another LAN segment.

There are firewalls between server 1/2 and server 3/4, but for same LAN segment, no firewall in between, only firewall in between different LAN segment.

Any idea for this 1 hour delay synced ?

Every server are config with syncrepl as shown below :

retry="1 +"

# Performance tuning directives
sizelimit       5000
threads         50
idletimeout     0
cachesize       10000
checkpoint      256     15

Also, from the LDAP log, it shows a lot of "cmp -1, too old" message.

Also, from the log, some error message like the following is found :

server01 slapd[6386]: do_syncrep2: rid=004 (-1) Can't contact LDAP server
server01 slapd[6386]: do_syncrepl: rid=004 retrying
server01 slapd[6386]: syncrepl_entry: rid=004 LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY(LDAP_SYNC_ADD)
server01 slapd[6386]: syncrepl_entry: rid=004 be_search (0)
server01 slapd[6386]: syncrepl_entry: rid=004 cn=test1,ou=test,o=ABCD
server01 slapd[6386]: syncrepl_entry: rid=004 be_modify (0)

Any idea on this ?

Thanks a lot....

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