There is a discussion of solaris threads socket read/write locking issues and some workarounds at:

See "6  Threaded I/O shutdown for Unix"


On 08/01/2011, at 9:55 AM, Howard Chu <> wrote:

Doug Leavitt wrote:

On 01/ 7/11 08:01 AM, Rein Tollevik wrote:
On 06.01.11 22.48, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Thursday, January 06, 2011 7:40 PM +0100 Rein Tollevik
<>  wrote:

On 04.01.11 23.34, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
Please test RE24 heavily.

test039 deadlocks for me on 64bit solaris10, both x86 and sparc :-( It
hangs in the monitor, triggered by the new swamp -SS option added to
slapd-tester. It works if run with -S or -SSS. It is the third server
that hangs, and it does so quite consistently with the same stack trace
every time. A gdb trace is at at:

Does this happen on both HEAD and RE24, or RE24 only?

Both, as well as when running the head tests suite with the 2.4.23
release.  Looks as if the swamp additions have tripped into an
existing problem, not anything new.  Leave it out of RE24 until if
have been resolved?

Btw, any other Solaris test runs out there?  I´t like to know if it is
a real Solaris problem or just me..

I'm seeing a similar failure on 32 bit Sparc Solaris 10. But it actually locks up in test036 for me, I never get as far as test039. The gdb trace looks much the same as what you posted.

Looks like for some reason threads that are blocked waiting for their sockets to become writable are never getting waken up. A regular SIGINT shuts down slapd cleanly so it doesn't appear to be a problem with the condvars being used to manage the threads. That kinda points to select() simply not returning the writable status.

I haven't used this Solaris machine much, but in fact (looking at the remnants of other files in my source tree on this box) this appears to have been a problem since at least last August. (I.e., it looks like I was investigating this same problem back then but dropped it and never got back to it.)


I'm currently testing Solaris11 (Nevada) and not seeing any issues in
either 32 or 64
bit builds  using both RE24 and HEAD.  I have not had any failures on
x86 yet.
Testing is still underway for sparc and other internal system testing on
both platforms.

 -- Howard Chu
 CTO, Symas Corp. 
 Director, Highland Sun
 Chief Architect, OpenLDAP