I know that the policy doesn't apply to the root user, but I'm not changing the root user password, I'm changing the password of another user.
Surely the policy should apply !

De: Clément OUDOT [mailto:clem.oudot@gmail.com]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 5 de Março de 2014 10:50
Para: Rodrigo Coutinho
Cc: openldap-technical@openldap.org
Assunto: Re: ppolicy not verifying password length (not active !!)

2014-03-05 11:29 GMT+01:00 Rodrigo Coutinho <Rodrigo.Coutinho@ifap.pt>:
I've installed the ppolicy overlay (static), included the shema, loaded the policy to the directory and define it as the default policy.
However, to check the policy I've changed a user's password, below the minimum length specified by the policy, and no error was issued.
I've used ldappasswd and Apache Directory Studio to change it and none issued no error. Although I did it with the root user, I suppose the policy
should issue an error just the same, because I was changing another user's password.
What am I missing, here ?

The root user is not affected by ppolicy. Change the password as user.


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