--On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 8:03 PM +0200 Dieter Kluenter
<dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
>> olcDbMaxSize defined for this database? Thanks!
> Depending on the number of operations you may set logpurge to a
> appropriate value.
Yeah, I think the question is, what happens if you have so many operations
in an <interval> that it maxes out the DB, where the interval is smaller
than the logpurge interval.
Hi all,
Thank you Quanah for your answers (and Dieter too, it seems :)). This was indeed the question.
But it's a good point, one could (if using
cn=config) do an on-the-fly modification of the logpurge interval so that
the DB gets purged more frequently to accomodate the rate of change.
Would a small logpurge interval strongly influence the system's performance?
If it would, a both ways on-the-fly change based on automatic watch of the actual size of the accesslog database might be interesting if the high rate writes are a seldom event.
If it wouldn't, setting a small enough interval from the beggining would do the trick.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: