I’m using xinetd forwarding to allow a number of
compute nodes that don’t have a direct path to our ldap server to get
forward on by a host that does. When running a highly parallel job that
starts over 1K instances at the same time, I see all these xinetd instances
also start up on my forwarding server and in fact they don’t seem to go
away, at not any time soon. Meanwhile back on my ldap server I see
number of ‘too many open files’ errors in /var/log/messages and if
I try to “su user” on one of the nodes I’ll see it hang for
awhile. I have bumped the number of open files very high on the ldap
server and in fact:
[root@aicgateway ~]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
5610 0
So out of a pool of 200K we’re only using 5K.
Anyhow, I’m wondering if there are any special tricks to
configuring the environment to handling this type of load on ldap OR should it
be able to handle it the way I’m currently configured? Any special
tuning hints? Any more info I can supply?