And on this OpenLDAP list I got:A KDC does not speak GSSAPI nor SASL. A KDC issues tickets. You use SASL-GSSAPI-KRB5 when you want to establish an authenticated connection to an application service for which a service principal exists within the KDC database. The KDC is not an application service. As Jeff pointed out, [you can't do that] with GSSAPI. What you might be looking for is slapd code to take a username and password and do in effect a kinit and a verify tgt, or have a sasl plugin do it for your. I don't know of one.
Perhaps you can help me understand or reconcile these responses.There is an ugly hack: having a userPassword field with "{SASL}<Kerberos principal>" in LDAP you can employ saslauthd's Kerberos backend. We use it as a crutch for a web application which can only authenticate against an LDAP directory