Which level should I enable to get more insights without being lost in too many messages ?

De : Ondřej Kuzník <ondra@mistotebe.net>
Envoyé : lundi 5 août 2024 19:21
À : BECOT Jérôme <jbecot@itsgroup.com>
Cc : openldap-technical <openldap-technical@openldap.org>
Objet : Re: Help debugging sync issue with accesslog
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On Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 02:38:08PM +0000, BECOT Jérôme wrote:
> Hello,
> We face sync issue between two servers (2.5.14) in mirrormode with
> accesslog. Some updates on groups are not replicated because the
> modification is not added to the accesslog where the modification is
> applied.
> There is no plain error when we ADD some groups (they are added to the
> DIT) but after enabling the 'sync' log level, we an see these errors:
> Aug  5 15:20:18 server1 slapd[15489]: conn=12173218 op=8040
> accesslog_response: got result 0x50 adding log entry
> reqStart=20240805132018.000093Z,cn=accesslog We could find that it is
> probably due to olcAccessLogSuccess: TRUE, but the log follows with a
> normal result:
> Aug  5 15:20:18 server1 slapd[15489]: conn=12173218 op=8040 RESULT
> tag=105 err=0 qtime=0.000019 etime=0.034941 text=
> If we later update the group, a fullsync happens and the group is
> created on the other server. Since increasing loglevel may overwhelm
> the server, I didn't blindly try any other loglevels.
> How should I test and debug what makes the accesslog entry rejected
> (and thus, the object is not replicated) ?

Hi Jérôme,
deltasync operates by setting up a syncrepl session on the accesslog DB,
if an entry cannot be added there because of errors, the session will
not have anything to replicate. As such, it is important to monitor logs
for these kinds of adminitrative issues as they will lead to replication

This is usually caused by local errors, e.g. the accesslog database
running out of space. If you can't immediately see why it might be
failing, you might want to temporarily increase logging while the issues
appear and see why.


Ondřej Kuzník
Senior Software Engineer
Symas Corporation                       http://www.symas.com
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP