Ah, I have a mix of suse stanzas and (ou=people) stanzas, I was removing both.

Just removing the stanzas with suse references and reimporting the whole mess seems to work! :) 

I need to get someone else on my team to test some stuff since I've been staring at this too long now.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 3:57 PM Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@fast-mail.org> wrote:

--On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 3:10 PM -0500 Matthew Goebel
<mgoebel@emich.edu> wrote:

> I used slapcat/slapdd 
> The two boxes are using different backend databases so I don't think I
> can copy the data files?

Right, heh.  I forgot you were still on hdb/bdb.  I'll try to get some time
to read over the full older config.  Can you confirm your slapcat export
contains an entry for the root of the DIT? It should be the first entry in
the file (ou=people,...)



Matthew Goebel : mgoebel@emich.edu : Unix Jockey @ EMU : Hail Eris
Neo-Student, Net Lurker, Donut consumer, and procrastinating medher...
 "Always with the negative waves, Moriarty" - Oddball
 "Comfort the troubled, and trouble the comfortable." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer