Hi Ondřej and Quanah,

Many thanks for your reaction!

On Wed, 19 Jul 2023 at 18:28, Ondřej Kuzník <ondra@mistotebe.net> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 11:01:23AM +0200, cYuSeDfZfb cYuSeDfZfb wrote:
> Hi,
> We're wondering: is there some clever way to include any number of .conf
> files that exist in a certain directory?
> Something like, in slapd.conf:
> include /opt/symas/etc/openldap/acls/*.conf
> This would allow us to simply add & remove.conf files under that directory,
> and restart openldap.
> Is that way of configuring (wildcard includes) not supported..? Or are we
> missing something else?
> Is there some other way of doing this..?

it's not supported at the moment. AFAIK people who need it usually
add/remove includes in slapd.conf programmatically with ansible/puppet
or assemble the whole file that way.

I am looking into adding sudoers(5) style `includedir` directive support
for slapd.conf, not clear whether it will make it into 2.7 yet.


Ondřej Kuzník
Senior Software Engineer
Symas Corporation                       http://www.symas.com
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP