Hi I have test from zero and I have test with historical information, I have found my old configuration and the logs are different, here master A:

# 20080728211533.000002Z, accesslog
dn: reqStart=20080728211533.000002Z,cn=accesslog
objectClass: auditDelete
reqStart: 20080728211533.000002Z
reqEnd: 20080728211533.000003Z
reqType: delete
reqSession: 387
reqAuthzID: cn=admin,dc=ar
reqDN: cn=user1000,dc=osde1,dc=ar
reqResult: 0

Here master B

# 20080728211533.000002Z, accesslog
dn: reqStart=20080728211533.000002Z,cn=accesslog
objectClass: auditDelete
reqStart: 20080728211533.000002Z
reqEnd: 20080728211533.000003Z
reqType: delete
reqSession: 387
reqAuthzID: cn=admin,dc=ar
reqDN: cn=user1000,dc=osde1,dc=ar
reqResult: 0

I am just using accesslog to look what is happening

2008/7/28 Gavin Henry <ghenry@openldap.org>

I meant originally. To test for me:

1. Emtpy both databases, including the accesslogs (accesslog not needed here)
2. Add original data to one node only, with the other switched off.
3. Bring the other one up and let it pull data from the first node.
4. Test they are the same and then try your delete situation.

I think you've either added fresh data to each node so their *CSN values
are different so the deletes won't work.

Please test and report back.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
OpenLDAP Engineering Team.

E ghenry@OpenLDAP.org

Community developed LDAP software.
