I conducted a scientific experiment )
I removed the unnecessary server from replication (ldap 3 )
Then I restarted slapd on the remaining ones (ldap1 and ldap2). ldap3 deleted
Then on the new server (ldap4) I configured everything for replication.
And restarted slapd on all servers
But in the logs on the old servers (ldap1 and ldap2)
syncrepl_null_callback : error code 0x50
syncrepl_entry: rid=003 be_modify failed (80)
do_syncrepl: rid=003 rc 80 retrying
However, users are synced between servers)
Why would such an error occur ?
Is it possible to defeat this error ? ;)
--On Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:27 PM +0000 Клеусов Владимир Сергеевич <
Kleusov.Vladimir@wildberries.ru> wrote:
I'm sorry, I may have written something incomprehensible.
I want to replace ldap3 with ldap4. That is, they will have different
hostnames. ldap3 and ldap4 =)
So I want to remove all ldap3 mentions first.
Is this correct ?
The backup server needs to have the correct serverID prior to bringing it online. There's nothing that mandates changing it from the old serverID used by ldap3, and in general it's better to keep a consistent set of serverIDs rather than "retiring" one, unless
you're also going to clean up your existing database of all references to the serverID being retired in the entryCSN values.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: