Hi Nadya,
Thanks for your explanation about the rewrite engine in back-meta! I now understand why it was never called.
Indeed, the rewrite context you provided below is doing exactly what I needed. Thank you very much!
Your help is very much appreciated :)
Hi David,I played a bit with your config, and I found out the following:Unfortunately it seems that the back-meta rewrite engine works per-target, so in your configuration it is actually only applied to the second target, and therefore would not work as intended. There is currently no way to configure it per database, so your original approach of using the rwm overlay is indeed the best.I was able to make it rewrite search entry DNs by adding the following at the end of the rwm overlay config:
rewriteContext searchEntryDN
rewriteRule "^([^,]+),dc=directory.,dc=domain,dc=com$" "$1,dc=domain,dc=com" ":@I"
I hope that's helpful!
Best Regards,Nadya
From: "David Coutadeur" <david.coutadeur@gmail.com>
To: "nivanova" <nivanova@symas.com>, openldap-technical@openldap.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 10:59:38 AM
Subject: Re: can rwm rewrite suffix from backend response?
Hi Nadya,
Thanks for your answer !
In my first attempts, I configured rewrite engine inside the meta backend, but without success.
Nor rewriteContext default, not any specific context was ever triggered in this situation.
As a concrete example, I provide below a full configuration that never triggers any rewrite.
include /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /usr/local/openldap/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
logLevel 256
pidfile slapd.pid
argsfile slapd.args
# Load dynamic backend modules:
# moduleload back_ldap.la
modulepath /usr/local/openldap/libexec/openldap
moduleload argon2.la
moduleload back_mdb.la
moduleload back_meta.la
moduleload back_ldap.la
moduleload dynlist.la
moduleload memberof.la
moduleload ppolicy.la
moduleload syncprov.la
moduleload unique.la
moduleload rwm.la
access to dn.base="" by * read
access to dn.base="cn=subschema" by * read
access to * by * write
# meta database
database meta
suffix "dc=domain,dc=com"
uri "ldap://,dc=domain,dc=com"
uri "ldap://,dc=domain,dc=com"
rewriteEngine on
# In the context of a BIND operation
rewriteContext bindDN
# Store user who has logged in an internal variable named binddn (for other LDAP operations)
rewriteRule ".+" "${&&binddn($0)}$0" ":"
# If the LDAP operation is a bind, directly rewrite the binddn
# If binddn starts by prefix1 or prefix2, rewrite suffix to directory1
rewriteRule "^uid=(prefix1[^,]+|prefix2[^,]+)(.*),dc=domain,dc=com$" "uid=$1$2,dc=directory1,dc=domain,dc=com" ":@I"
# Else, rewrite suffix to directory2
rewriteRule "^([^,]+),dc=domain,dc=com$" "$1,dc=directory2,dc=domain,dc=com" ":@I"
# For SEARCH LDAP operations
rewriteContext searchDN
# Prefix the string to search by the binddn who has connected previously
rewriteRule "(.*)" "${**binddn}<>$1" ":I"
# If binddn starts by prefix1 or prefix2, remove binddn prefix from string and rewrite suffix to directory1
rewriteRule "^uid=prefix1[^,]+,[^<]+<>(.*)dc=domain,dc=com(.*)$" "$1dc=directory1,dc=domain,dc=com$2" ":@I"
rewriteRule "^uid=prefix2[^,]+,[^<]+<>(.*)dc=domain,dc=com(.*)$" "$1dc=directory1,dc=domain,dc=com$2" ":@I"
# If binddn not found or does not start by prefix1 or prefix2, remove binddn prefix from string and rewrite suffix to directory2
rewriteRule "^.*<>(.*)dc=domain,dc=com(.*)$" "$1dc=directory2,dc=domain,dc=com$2" ":@I"
rewriteRule "^.*<>(.*)$" "$1" ":@I"
rewriteContext searchResult
rewriteRule "dc=directory1,dc=domain,dc=com" "dc=domain,dc=com" ":@I"
rewriteRule "dc=directory2,dc=domain,dc=com" "dc=domain,dc=com" ":@I"
Le 24/03/2025 à 14:10, nivanova@symas.com a écrit :
Hi David, I am not proficient in the rwm either, but I know that back-meta can be configured with its own rewrite engine, and it can definitely be configured to rewrite results. You could move this config in the database definition (without "overlay rwm"), and use rewriteContext searchResult to rewrite the search results. I haven't tested this myself in ages, but I hope it works in your case, there's a lot of examples in the slapd-meta man page. Best Regards, Nadya
-- David Coutadeur | IAM integrator david.coutadeur@worteks.com +33 7 88 46 85 34 16 avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 Worteks | https://www.worteks.com