On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Dan White <dwhite@olp.net> wrote:
Can you connect to the server using any of the OpenLDAP client utilities
(e.g. ldapwhoami) using -Z? start_tls cannot be executed against an
ldaps:// URI, to my knowledge.

Yes, I am able to use ldapsearch and ldapadd. It works fine. 

I am not trying to execute start_tls on ldaps://. I know they work entirely different. 

On a non encrypted port I am trying to set up encryption calling start_tls. But does not work. 
The library is compiled with --with-tls option. 

The server supports both encryption (ldaps:// and ldap://+tls) and no encryption. 

Ashwin kumar