Yes, deletes are performed in one node

2008/7/25 Gavin Henry <>
<quote who="Miguel Jinez">
> Sorry I have a mistake, changing words:
> It should be like this:
> syncrepl rid=001
>          provider=ldap://
>          type=refreshAndPersist
>          retry="5 5 300 +"
>          searchbase="dc=dominio"
>          attrs="*"
>          bindmethod=simple
>          binddn="cn=admin,dc=dominio"
>          credentials=secret
> syncrepl rid=002
>          provider=ldap://
>          type=refreshAndPersist
>          retry="5 5 300 +"
>          searchbase="dc=dominio"
>          attrs="*"
>          bindmethod=simple
>          binddn="cn=admin,dc=dominio"
>          credentials=secret
> mirrormode TRUE
> In addition when I add "schemachecking=on" syncrinization doesn't works.
> With the configurations file that I have made, works adds, updates, but no
> deletes

Can you confirm deletes work on one node?

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
OpenLDAP Engineering Team.


Community developed LDAP software.