
Thank you so far lads.

Matheus Morais

Em 10/12/2016 5:04 PM, "Dieter Klünter" <> escreveu:
Am Sat, 10 Dec 2016 12:57:36 -0200
schrieb xsun <>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to expanding OpenLDAP use where I work. Right now we use
> it to handle internal users (about 50000 entries) and organizational
> data and it work superb. I'm trying to convince my colleagues to also
> store our customers data but they are worried about the performance
> since this will be much larger as we have about 4 million customers.
> I'm looking for some public uses cases for large number of users in
> OpenLDAP to give more support to my arguments. So, can anyone share
> some history or point out some information on the web on that
> particular subject?

Howard Chu had published the results of some benchmark testing with
some 250.000.000 entries.
The bootleneck quite often is bound to network restrictions.
I myself administer athentication an authorization services for a few
leading european E-Mail providers. Just a few figures:
more than 50.000 connections per minute
more than 8.000.000 E-Mail accounts,
loadbalanced distributed ldap services.

You may search the ldapcon conference papers


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID: E9ED159B