Hi Quanah,

Thank you for quick reply. Here are the details.

> Have you checked your lock/lockers/lock object settings?
112    Last allocated locker ID
0x7fffffff    Current maximum unused locker ID
9    Number of lock modes
1500    Maximum number of locks possible
1500    Maximum number of lockers possible
1500    Maximum number of lock objects possible
40    Number of lock object partitions
8    Number of current locks
445    Maximum number of locks at any one time
12    Maximum number of locks in any one bucket
0    Maximum number of locks stolen by for an empty partition
0    Maximum number of locks stolen for any one partition
90    Number of current lockers
115    Maximum number of lockers at any one time
8    Number of current lock objects
226    Maximum number of lock objects at any one time
3    Maximum number of lock objects in any one bucket
0    Maximum number of objects stolen by for an empty partition
0    Maximum number of objects stolen for any one partition
10M    Total number of locks requested (10526725)
10M    Total number of locks released (10518219)
0    Total number of locks upgraded
18    Total number of locks downgraded
8766    Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we waited
7739    Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we did not wait
759    Number of deadlocks
0    Lock timeout value
0    Number of locks that have timed out
0    Transaction timeout value
0    Number of transactions that have timed out
1MB 224KB    The size of the lock region
3663    The number of partition locks that required waiting (0%)
243    The maximum number of times any partition lock was waited for (0%)
0    The number of object queue operations that required waiting (0%)
675    The number of locker allocations that required waiting (0%)
0    The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
3    Maximum hash bucket length

> What version of BDB is OpenLDAP compiled against?
BDB version is 4.3.29

> What version of OpenLDAP 2.4?
OpenLDAP 2.4.22

What OS?


Chandrashekar kola,


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@zimbra.com> wrote:
--On Monday, January 14, 2013 5:08 PM -0800 Chandrashekar Kola <chandrashekar.kola@gmail.com> wrote:


We have a openldap running on version 2.4, recently we started seeing
these kind of error messages in ldap.log.

Have you checked your lock/lockers/lock object settings?

What version of BDB is OpenLDAP compiled against?

What version of OpenLDAP 2.4?

What OS?



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration