Hi everyone,

I'm actually stuck trying to set up an OpenLDAP implementation on my server running debian/slapd. Based on the hostname of the server (server.foo.bar) slapd automatically sets up the base config with dc=foo,dc=bar as BaseDN. This runs fine and I can connect successfully. However, I actually want the BaseDN for the LDAP structure to rely on the subdomain ldap.foo.bar (dc=ldap,dc=foo,dc=bar). How can I accomplish this?

I already tried to fiddle around with ldapmodify/ldif-files, but the only thing I found online where descriptions of how to add a node, not how to change the root node.

This post on SO:
only explains how to rename an existing setup (and even there I can't imagine there isn't a more native way of changing the BaseDN).

Thanks in advance!