> Hi, There is a specific requirement where the client needs the memberOf attribute to be returned by default. As per the current design the memberOf attribute is of type operational and thus needs to be explicitly asked for. Is there a easy way to update the schema and change the type of the attribute from Operational to userApplication so that the attribute will be returned by default ? I tried to update the schema using a ldif file but I am getting the following error:- error code 80 - olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: 1.2.840.113556.1.2.102
> Please assist with this request.
> My Ldif is as follows:-
> dn: cn=schema,cn=config
As the Admin Guide states, schema elements in the cn=schema,cn=config entry are hardcoded.
The only way to change them is by modifying the slapd source code.
Whatever client seems to have this requirement of yours is broken. Fix the application.
> changetype: modify
> delete: olcAttributeTypes
> olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.2.102 NAME 'memberOf' DESC 'Group that the entry belongs to' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX USAGE dSAOperation X-ORIGIN 'iPlanet Delegated Administrator' )
> -
> add: olcAttributeTypes
> olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.2.102 NAME 'memberOf' DESC 'Group that the entry belongs to' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP