Hello All,

We are using openldap 2.4 in our systems with berkley DB as a backend.

Now, in current scenario we are using static LDAP i.e. /etc/openldap/slapd.conf and whenever we want to change any configuration parameter then we need to re-start LDAP.
So, we decided to switch to dynamic LDAP i.e. using cn=config.

So, my Q's is:
I made my system running on dynamic LDAP like from past 2 months and in this span of time i implemented several changes. Now, suppose today i plan to again move back to use static configuration - Will i able to save all my changes what i did in all this time? OR All changes made are lost?

If Lost - Is there any way to retrieve the changes which i made? 

Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards,
Gaurav Gugnani