--On Monday, April 08, 2013 4:49 AM -0700 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:Not quite true. On Linux, I suggest setting the olcDbFlags as follows:
Saša-Stjepan Bakša wrote:
Maybe this is not the best way to ask but I would like to get some
performance expectations or maybe suggestions how to improve
performance. I do have relatively long experience with OpenLDAP as a
precompiled package and with much less users so performance was not an
issue for those installations.
Now I need to put few million users (now one million for test), custom
tailored schema and search performance is crucial but also modify
performance is big issue. Before MDB I have used HDB as backend.
What to do to improve write part of performance or performance in general
(when adding data – from time to time – OpenLDAP stalls in a way)?
Just around 5 add/mod operations during that time then it continue with
much higher speed.
I have used many different sources to find out other peoples experience
and I didn't choose to write to list lightly but I really need some
There's nothing particular to LMDB to tune. But if you're seeing pauses
due to disk I/O, as your iotop output seems to indicate, you might want
to look into using a different I/O scheduler.
olcDbEnvFlags: writemap
olcDbEnvFlags: nometasync
With those flags set, writes are 65x faster for me with back-mdb than they are with back-hdb/back-bdb.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
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