I’ve been searching for information for about 2 days on how to convert a SunOne 5.2 ldif file to allow it for use with OpenLDAP 2.3.43. I’m trying to add the 99user.ldif file, which has our schema extension. When I try to do an ldapadd, I receive syntax errors:
ldapadd -x -f 99user_new.ldif -D "cn=Directory Manager,o=xxxxx,c=xxxxx" -W
adding new entry "cn=schema"
ldapadd: Invalid syntax (21)
additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
I have already made a few syntax changes:
attributeTypes to attributetype
objectClasses to objectclass
But still I’m receiving errors.
I’m sure other people must have done something similar, but I’ve not been able to find anything. So, I would really appreciate some assistance.
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