
    I am using openldap-2.4.19-4.x86_64 on fedora 12 machine. I am facing the  'I have no name !' while I do ssh on client machine(All user info is getting propagated to client machines properly (checked with getent passwd,getent passwd and getent shadow)), and this is because I specify no access to anonymous. But, when I specify read access to anonymous this problem is getting resolved but my security is getting compromised since anonymous is reading everything.

    How do I write ACL rule to achieve both each user to see his data only i.e. security and getting user-name while doing ssh on client.?



Thanks & Regards,
Jayavant Ningoji Patil
Engineer: System Software
Computational Research Laboratories Ltd.
Pune-411 004.
Maharashtra, India.
+91 9923536030.