Hello Everyone,


We are facing an issue related with the Sudoers LDAP Backend.


We have a LDAP group that should be able to vi, tail and less all the files contained inside /var/log/

We are thinking about using wildcards but it seems that the wildcards that works for suders file does not works when the backend is the LDAP.




dn: cn=%GroupEX,ou=SUDOers,dc=examples,dc=example,dc=com

objectClass: top

objectClass: sudoRole

cn: %Sec_Analysts

description: Security Administrators group sudo rules

sudoCommand: /usr/bin/less /var/log/*

sudoCommand: /usr/bin/tail /var/log/*

sudoCommand: /usr/bin/head /var/log/*

sudoCommand: /usr/bin/vi /var/log/*

sudoCommand: /usr/bin/vim /var/log/*

sudoOption: !authenticate

sudoOrder: 115

sudoRunAsUser: root

sudoUser: %GroupEX




This only works when the user that belongs to GroupEX run the commands as shown:


/usr/bin/less /var/log/*

/usr/bin/tail /var/log/*


But this does not work when the command is performed as:

/usr/bin/less /var/log/warn

/usr/bin/tail /var/log/warn



Any ideas?


Using ACLs and File permissions are not an option here.


Thank you so much.




Dario Garcia


GGCS SKMF Infrastructure Division

C\ de Isaac Newton, 11
28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid
+34 918 07 21 00

+34 918 07 21 99




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