Ok I have found it, make it enabled and I can't find information where this attribute is shown. I searched through this man page and through the latest Admin guide but nothing points me in the direction of
this attribute location. I can see that it is loaded with schema but no object class is using it.

So I must be doing something wrong or I do not understand this mechanism.

Also, in latest 2.5.7 olcLastBindPrecision is not among list of possible attributes for mdb. I Have searched for it also but only olcLastBind is inherited from olcDatabaseConfig.
       olcLastBind: TRUE | FALSE
              Controls whether slapd will automatically maintain the
              pwdLastSuccess attribute for entries. By default,
              olcLastBind is FALSE.

       olcLastBindPrecision: <number>
              If olcLastBind is enabled, a new value is written only if
              the current one is more than number seconds in the past.

To answer my own question (shame on me)

ldapsearch -h x.y.z.a -D "myUsername" -w abcdefg -b "myDN" -s sub '(objectClass=*)' '*' '+'

createTimestamp: 20210901080923Z
pwdLastSuccess: 20210921103410Z
entryCSN: 20210921103410.601925Z#000000#000#000000

But part of not finding olcLastBindPrecision still stands.
