We found that we get a "No such object" error from the translucent overlay when we do a search like this:


 ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://localhost -LLL \

     -b "cn=John Doe,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com" -s base \

     -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w admin \



if there is no entry for "cn=John Doe,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com" in the local database, whether or not the remote entry exists. It seems like a mistake for the translucent overlay to report an error if the remote entry exists, since it only means that we haven’t added any local attributes yet. Is there a way to suppress the error result when the proxied server returns an entry, so we don’t have to hack around this weirdness in our client?


