
I have a proxy application acting as a ntlm server, that supports a NTLM handshake between web based clients.

If using NTLMv1, sending the NTLM credential blob to an Active Directory over LDAP using openldap client works.
openldap client Version. 2.4.32 
Basically just taking the ntlm response from the NTLM 3 message from client and sending over LDAP. 

However using NTLMv2 , the  active directory always issues invalid credentials even though the user name and password that the client entered are good.  It passes with successful ldap bind with NTLMv1. 

Can or should this work with ntlmv2?  It seems that when EPA and MIC is present from client in the NTLM3, that the ldap exchange does not work. I guess that may be an active directory issue but wanted to check if experts here think it should work. 

Thanks for your review.