On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 8:49 AM, Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com> wrote:
Michael Ströder wrote:
On 06/12/2018 06:56 PM, Scott Mayo wrote:
Openldap version is 2.4.12

Seriously? This is really ancient release almost 10 years old.
Being in your position my next task would be to update such an old
system (not only because of OpenLDAP).

I am, unfortunately it will be a Windows Server.


Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size
db_open(/var/lib/ldap/id2entry.bdb) failed: Cannot allocate memory (12).

What does your monitoring say about memory usage before that log message?

System-wide memory usage is irrelevant, this is a BDB error message.

Memory usage was fine in TOP.  The tweaks fixed it, which is just what I needed to get it going for a short time.

See https://docs.oracle.com/database/bdb181/html/api_reference/C/envset_lg_bsize.html

And switch to back-mdb after you upgrade to a current OpenLDAP release.

Actually, I am moving to Windows 2016. :(  Not because of me, but I plan on retiring in a few years and when I do, whoever comes after me will more than likely be a Windows guy and not Linux.  I am trying to get everything ready for the next person when I leave.  We live in a small Rural Community and there are virtually no techs around here that deal with Linux anymore.

Thanks for the help.

Scott Mayo - System Administrator
Bloomfield Schools PH: 573-568-5669  FA: 573-568-4565