I tried to remove the contents using ldapdelete but now I'm always getting the Can't contact LDAP server error.

Checking further, it appears that slapd service was stopped. However, in the logs, I keep seeing entry_decode lines even though the service is already stopped (according to service slapd status). Additionally, doing an openssl s_client -connect to ldap1 returns a "Connection Refused" error.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Carlo Santos <moonseraph128@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Marc Patermann <hans.moser@ofd-z.niedersachsen.de> wrote:

Carlo Santos schrieb (04.02.2013 09:02 Uhr):

olcSyncRepl: {2}rid=002 provider=ldaps://ldap2.myorganization.org binddn="cn=admin,dc=myorganization,dc=org" bindmethod=simple credentials=password searchbase="dc=myorganization,dc=org" type=refreshOnly interval=00:00:05:00 retry="5 5 300 5" timeout=1
What is the exact ldapsearch you used?

The ldapsearch command I used is this:
ldapsearch -xLLLD "cn=admin,dc=myorganization,dc=org" -H ldaps://ldap1.myorganization.org -b "dc=myorganization,dc=org" -W

Your provider is configured with ldaps, is ldaps started on your servers und did you try ldapsearch with ldaps?

Yes ldaps is enabled on both servers.

Also, I forgot to mention, I got the line do_syncrep2: rid=002 LDAP_RES_INTERMEDIATE - SYNC_ID_SET multiple times before a single do_syncrep2: rid=002 (-1) Can't contact LDAP server is displayed in the slapd logs.

Does this mean anything?

Carlo Santos

Carlo Santos