My company maintains an openldap server which stores the
information of all the employees. All company internal systems
authenticate with it when users login.
My department is
responsible for software developing/testing and divided into many teams.
I want to add the employees of my department to corresponding team in
openldap so that I can manage user permission based on teams in
jira/confluence/gerrit/gitlab/svn/jenkins and so on. However, I have no
permission to add team or group to company openldap server.
My plan is to :
1. set up a new openldap server inside my department.
2. synchronize the user data necessary from the company openldap server to my department openldap server.
3. create groups in department openldap server.
4. add users to corresponding group in department openldap server.
5. jira/confluence/gerrit/gitlab/svn/jenkins with authenticate with department openldap server instead of the company one.
How to configure openldap to achieve this£¿I have googled for two days about replication/meta-directory, but still have no idea.
BTW, I know Jira have similar functionality and can authenticate for
confluence, but Jira can not authenticate for other sofeware such as
Any help is appreciated.