Thanks Pierangelo,

So, if the resultt of this search is the same on all master's this mean that all servers are consistents, right ?

Thanks again,

Joćo Alfredo

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Pierangelo Masarati <> wrote:
jakjr wrote:

I'm testing a multi-master installation of openldap 2.4.11 (debian lenny).

To check if the masters are consistent, I search for the contextCSN of each
one, and check this value.

If the values are the same, the masters are consistents, rigth ??

But now, after many, many changes (ADD/DELETE), I am searching for the
contextCSN and the server is reporting three contextCSN's.

Is this correct ??

# ldapsearch -x -h <IP> objectClass=organization contextCSN -b
dc=pr,dc=gov,dc=br -LLL -z 1
dn: dc=org
contextCSN: 20081226121401.392297Z#000000#000#000000
contextCSN: 20081226173429.931124Z#000000#001#000000
contextCSN: 20081226173327.189304Z#000000#002#000000

It is not an indication of an error, at least.  Each value belongs to one server.  Look at the three digits towards the end: they indicate the server ID of the server the CSN belongs to.  The "000" refers to modifications performed when the pool was not multimaster yet.  The "001" refers to the server with SID 1, and the "002" to the server with SID 2.  They should be in sync.

Please note that the order is not preserved, so you could see, for example,

contextCSN: 20081226121401.392297Z#000000#000#000000
contextCSN: 20081226173429.931124Z#000000#001#000000
contextCSN: 20081226173327.189304Z#000000#002#000000

on one server, and

contextCSN: 20081226173327.189304Z#000000#002#000000
contextCSN: 20081226173429.931124Z#000000#001#000000
contextCSN: 20081226121401.392297Z#000000#000#000000

on another one.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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