Hi Dieter,

Thanks for the reply.

My Apache is built with openldap lib only.

I am able to connect to ubuntu host my my solaris client on ports 389 and 636.

Then I guess, apache is not able to verify the certificates presented. In that case, please let me know how do I debug slapd to watch apache connection.

Thanks again.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Dieter Kluenter <dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
Asimananda Mohanty <asimananda.mohanty@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Dieter,
> I understand. But my concern is if ssl was not enabled properly, then I should not be
> able to use -ZZ or ldaps url in commands like ldapsearch. Please correct me if I am
> wrong.

If you can connect to slapd via startTLS or TLS than slapd has been
setup correctly.

> If ssl is enabled already, then I am unable to understand why ldaps doesn't work from
> apache point of view.

Back to my first mail. Ths is a question you have to raise on a solaris
related mailing list or news group.
- Check the libraries apache has been built with,
- check whether you can connect from solaris host to ubuntu host on
 port 389 and 636 ,
- check whether apache is able to verify the certificate presented,
- debug slapd to whatch the apache connection.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung