On 4/13/2023 10:36 AM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

--On Thursday, April 13, 2023 6:33 PM +0000 Jordan Brown <openldap@jordan.maileater.net> wrote:

I'm already dumping that.  But it is not very detailed.  I believe
that's what ldapsearch is dumping; here's some sample output in various
error cases:

Those are the result codes that are provided to the client per RFC.  Feel free to write a new RFC expanding on the result codes.

OpenLDAP could have additional non-RFC features that would allow you to retrieve more error information.

There are dozens of OpenLDAP-specific options.  An OpenLDAP-specific option could retrieve additional error information.

There could be a variation on LDAP_OPT_CONNECT_CB - for discussion, call it LDAP_OPT_ERROR_CB - that calls back with error information on any failing connection.  (That would be more right than a "get error" option, because it would work when there's more than one server specified.)

So the first question is "does OpenLDAP have such a thing?".  It sounds like the answer is "no".

In that case, please consider this to be a request for such a feature.  Diagnosing LDAP client connection problems is a significant cost; anything that we can do to make it easier would be worthwhile.  I would be happy to participate in the design and implementation of such a feature.
Jordan Brown, Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance, Oracle Solaris