
I have worked with Soisik on this particular topic.
As you mentionned, in many cases we can just query directly the group.
In our particular scenario, the software only allows one request for getting the mails of the users present in the dynamic group.

Thus I think it would be great to have a server solution (if possible in 2.6), especially if dynlist is officially the memberof replacement.



Le 25 juillet 2022 19:38:52 GMT+02:00, Shawn McKinney <smckinney@symas.com> a écrit :

On May 23, 2022, at 3:10 AM, Soisik Froger <soisik.froger@worteks.com> wrote:

I've just sent you sample slapd.conf and a data ldif that illustrate the long query time on large database. Thank you very much to take a look at this !

Hi Soisik,

I've completed a review/test of dynlist, following your excellent example as sent off list.

Here are my findings…

As a baseline, here’s an example of a 'normal' search across a well populated user tree:

# time ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://m01:389 -D "dc=example,dc=com" -W -s sub -b 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' "(cn=load01-TEST1-*)" | grep dn: | wc -l

real 0m0.191s
user 0m0.128s
sys 0m0.132s

Compared with performing a search of the memberof attribute, generated by dynast. This pulls back the members of a large group (about 25K members):
# time ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://m01:389 -D "dc=example,dc=com" -W -s sub -b 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' "(memberof=cn=load01-test1-2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)" | grep dn: | wc -l
real 4m6.167s
user 0m2.289s
sys 0m2.037s

That's 4 minutes to search across 100K users. The other search took < 200 ms.

As you (and others) have pointed out, there's a significant performance penalty for searching attributes generated by dylist.

It's possible that we can get modest improvements within a 2.7 timeframe. Unfortunately, we don't anticipate being able to get it back into range of a 'normal' search.

So, that gets us into looking at mitigation. One approach, focus on what the client does. For example, instead of searching across the user tree for membership to a particular group, it's far more efficient to just pull back that list from the group entry itself.

This is a technique that of course we’re already familiar with. I bring it up here for the sake of argument.

The question: can we sidestep the memberOf performance problems by focusing on the the client?

Or, is there a usecase that I've missed for which there's no remedy?

