Hi Ralf,

2017-10-13 15:43 GMT+02:00 Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de>:
This might be a stupid question or I don't undersand your  goal, but if you
shut down you operational server, why don't you use 'slapadd' (optionally with
the '-q -s' option in case you know your input is consistent)?

 That's not a stupid question at all, but there are several reasons:

- I like the way ldapadd logs complete entries it failed to import, that makes analyising the cause of the import error much simpler, after e.g. fixing the schema I can ldapdd these error files directly again to see if the fix works
- I don't want to disable any import checks, the main reason I'm doning this imports is to hunt down import errors in subtrees from different sources.
- I shortened the exaple a bit, in reality I'm adding multiple ldif files into the database during the script

But otherwise slapadd would be of course the better solution.
