
I already post some question about this but without succes, perhaps because i made a mistake and replys in another question thread.
So I restart here.

testing env so i can make all that i want.

openldap 2.4.40 build on opensuse 13.1.
try to make a proxy ldap, with use of meta to relay informations from one AD , one EDir and one openLDAP. (just use openLDAP for now)

I create a database to get locally the root "dc=example,dc=fr" and firstlevel OU : "ou=TOUT,dc=example,dc=fr" , "ou=TEST,dc=example,dc=fr"
I bind the openLDAP on "ou=LDAP,ou=TOUT,dc=example,dc=fr"
I add users on the local ou "TEST"

simple requests are working without problem. (on "TEST" and on "TOUT" )

activate sssvlv on slapd.conf (because of meta) globally (ie before the statement for the meta database)

                           overlay sssvlv

just this line.

when a try this search

ldapsearch -E 'sss=displayName' -H ldap://localhost -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=fr" -b "ou=TEST,dc=example,dc=fr" -w xxxx -s sub  "(&(objectClass=user)(displayName=ag*))" displayName

I got the user list sort by display name  ( they are local user)

when i try this :

ldapsearch -E 'sss=displayName' -H ldap://localhost -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=fr" -b "ou=LDAP,ou=TOUT,dc=example,dc=fr" -w xxxx -s sub  "(&(objectClass=user)(displayName=ag*))" displayName

I got this :

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=LDAP,ou=TOUT,dc=example,dc=fr> with scope subtree
# filter: (&(objectClass=user)(displayName=ag*))
# requesting: displayName
# with server side sorting control

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474 false MAMKAQA=
sortResult: (0) Success

# numResponses: 1

I understand that the request as been successfull but whitout any results ?

any idea ?

I'm thinking of a problem with :
* bad place for "overlay ssvlv" in slapd.conf (actually it take place juste after moduleload section and just before the ACL statements
* problem with remap attribute when asking the distant LDAP  
* overlay sssvlv not working with meta ?

but need some clues to find where is the problem.
