We have a four-node MultiMaster setup, symas 2.5.14, and everyhing seems to work perfectly now. With some (highly appreciated) help from this list.
However, there is one observation we don't understand, that we would appreciate feedback on. On directory edits, such as a password change, using the rootDN:
ldappasswd -H ldaps://ldap01.company.com -D "cn=admin,o=company,c=com" -W -S "uid=username,ou=Users,o=company,c=com" New password: <new_userpw>
Re-enter new password:
Enter LDAP Password: <very_secret_root_pw>
we always receive several (mostly three, sometimes four) of these messages instantly:
do_syncrep2: rid=212 CSN too old, ignoring 20230710140929.887114Z#000000#0de#000000 (uid=username,ou=Users,o=company,c=com)"
But actually: content *is* replicated instantly (within the same second) and the actual served contents between the four ldap (MultiMaster) servers matches.
The RID changes, and is always one of the configured replication lines, and the date/time on the four involved hosts is in sync.
Is this 'just an informational message', and 'normal', and should we ignore it? Or is it something to worry about and investigate further?
As otherwise everything seems to be working correctly, I don't expect major issues there.
(but again: of course willing to share!)