>Gavin wrote:
>David Damon wrote:
>> Gavin,
>>         A key to good documentation is "don't assume anything". If you
>> have to ask the question, then it is best to include it in the docos.
>Thanks for that, but we have to assume some background knowledge ;-)
>We're definitely not doing a "Dummies guide to OpenLDAP"

Could get rich off of a book like this! ^^ ;-) but I digress. Maybe something like "Dummies guide to OpenLDAP" would make a very good FAQ-O-MATIC subject on the http://www.openldap.org web site.
>Kind Regards,
>Gavin Henry.
>Managing Director.
>T +44 (0) 1224 279484
>M +44 (0) 7930 323266
>F +44 (0) 1224 824887
>E ghenry@suretecsystems.com
>Open Source. Open Solutions(tm).

David Damon

Senior Systems Integration Analyst

Office: (714) 442-7562

FAX:    (714) 442-2845