Thanks. There actually maybe was a problem with certificate. I simply took other certificate from apache, so I now for sure that it is correct. Now slapd started without any problems. However, I can not connect to ldap server using ssl.
I am using JXplorer. I select ssl+user+password for authentication but it does not work. I am using the same client key copy as for apache. I imported it to JXplorer and added to ldap.conf (just in case). No luck :(. I assume that there is something missing in slapd configuraiton. Any ideas what to do next?

2008/12/15 Philip Guenther <>
On Mon, 15 Dec 2008, Alfonsas Stonis wrote:
> Dec 15 14:28:21 axew0204 slapd[24383]: main: TLS init def ctx failed: -60

Why haven't you looked up those error numbers in the GNUtls docs?


(If I was in your position, I would would remove OpenLDAP from the picture
and work out a valid cert, key, and CAcert combo using just the tools
provided by GNUtls.  I would hope the GNUtls documentation has the
necessary examples and information to do that; lacking that, I would
consult the mailing list.  Once that's worked out, you
can address the OpenLDAP bits with some confidence that you're not giving
it bad data.)

Philip Guenther