With a relay backend, when i enable an ACL then i can only get back full entries, but not specific attributes:

  1. # extended LDIF
  2. #
  3. # LDAPv3
  4. # base <dc=thunderbird> with scope subtree
  5. # filter: uid=dmarkey
  6. # requesting: ALL
  7. #
  9. # dmarkey, user, thunderbird
  10. dn: uid=dmarkey,ou=user,dc=thunderbird
  11. objectClass: top
  12. objectClass: person
  13. objectClass: organizationalPerson
  14. objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  15. objectClass: posixAccount
  16. objectClass: shadowAccount
  17. objectClass: krb5Principal
  18. objectClass: krb5KDCEntry
  19. objectClass: sambaSamAccount
  20. sn: Markey
  21. givenName: David
  22. uid: dmarkey
  23. mail: dmarkey@xxxx
  24. cn: David Markey Staff
  26. # search result
  27. search: 2
  28. result: 0 Success
  30. # numResponses: 2
  31. # numEntries: 1
Thats normal, Now we'll try to just get the mail attribute:

  1. Robinson:/opt/openldap/etc/openldap # ldapsearch -b dc=thunderbird -x  uid=dmarkey mail
  2. # extended LDIF
  3. #
  4. # LDAPv3
  5. # base <dc=thunderbird> with scope subtree
  6. # filter: uid=dmarkey
  7. # requesting: mail
  8. #
  10. # search result
  11. search: 2
  12. result: 0 Success
  14. # numResponses: 1
Nothing is returned.

Here is the relay database definition

database                relay
suffix                  "dc=thunderbird"
relay                   "dc=example,dc=ie"
overlay                 rwm
overlay                 memberof
rwm-rewriteEngine on
rwm-suffixmassage       "dc=example,dc=ie"

map attribute cn gecos
map attribute mail *
map attribute uid *
map attribute sn *
map attribute givenname *
map attribute memberof *
map attribute *

access to filter="memberOf=cn=staff,ou=groupofnames,dc=thunderbird"
        by * read

Anyone see what im doing wrong here?
