Dear List ,
        I am testing on Openldap-2.4.7 multi-master replication , and I had been read Openldap Admin page for a while already ( URL : )
Now I get confuse on " N-Ray Multi-Master " & " Mirror Mode Multi-Master "
Hope somebody else could help.
Testing enviorment:
      I got 3 office. Office A / Office B & Office C. Each office I got 2 x LDAP Server ( Totally 6 Openldap 2.4.7 )
Office A Openldap Server 1 = Server A1
Office A Openldap Server 2 = Server A2
Office B Openldap Server 1 = Server B1
Office B Openldap Server 2 = Server B2
Office C Openldap Server 1 = Server C1
Office C Openldap Server 2 = Server C2
The things I want :
      Each node could " Read & Write " on it's own database and replication the other 5 left Openldap Server.
Question :  I suppose to be use N-Ray Multi-Master OR Mirror Mode Multi-master ?
Question about N-Ray Multi-Master. ( Assume I have 6 physical Openldap 2.4.7 * Fresh Install * )
1. If I am looking to setup N-Ray Multi-Master , is that I need to make all 6 node as Provide And Consumer on each openldap servers slapd.conf ?
2. For consumer config in slapd.conf * assume i do a simple concumer config in Server A1 ) , is that I need point all the providers servers infomration in ServerA1 slapd.conf ?  
3. IF Office A / Office  & Office C  VPN network is down and get resume after 10 mins, what's the recover procedure that I could make sure that all server by using same version of " Database" and each node database is consistence ?
Question about Mirror Mode mode Multi-Master.
1.  Is that Multi-Master Mirror Mode only could support more than 2 x Openldap servers which's by usning Multi-Master Replication ?
2.  Refer Question 1. Is that Multi-Master only allow to WRITE on 1 of 2 servers at the same time?
3. Is that possible make all 6 x Openldap Servers running as N-Ray + Mirror Mode Mode Multi-Master ( IF Mirror mode could support more than 2 x openldap-servers )
At last just want to understand that is there anyway make each node as multi-master and able to read / write it's own database & replication together.
4. IF Office A / Office  & Office C  VPN network is down and get resume after 10 mins, what's the recover procedure that I could make sure that all server by using same version of " Database" and each node database is consistence ?
Many thanks all of your help , and looking forward your reply .
>From Data Leung.

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