I read the entry in Chapter 6


regarding setting the Password Policy Control.


I have installed OpenLDAP through Cygwin. OpenLDAP is version 2.3.43


I created my db and included the Password Policy control schema, but I am getting the following error when I try to load my default and user policies:



$ ldapadd -H ldap://localhost:666 -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=zes_example,dc=com" -w secret  -f /etc/openldap/data/ppolicy.ldif

adding new entry "ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com"


adding new entry "cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com"

ldapadd: Object class violation (65)

        additional info: no structural object class provided


Any idea why I am getting this error? Am I missing an objectClass in the policy definition? Do I need to add the password policy (ldif file) before I give the directive in slapd.conf?


Any help is appreciated.



The output from the server is:


<= index_entry_add( 12, "ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com" ) success

=> entry_encode(0x0000000c): ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com

bdb_add: added id=0000000c dn="ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com"

send_ldap_result: conn=7 op=1 p=3

send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=105 err=0

ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 9

connection_get(9): got connid=7

connection_read(9): checking for input on id=7


ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 369 contents:



ber_scanf fmt ({m) ber:

>>> dnPrettyNormal: <cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com>

<<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com>, <cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com>


ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt ({m{W}}) ber:

ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:


=> bdb_dn2id("cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com")

<= bdb_dn2id: get failed: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found (-30989)

bdb_referrals: op=104 target="cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com" matched="ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc


bdb_add: entry failed op attrs add: no structural object class provided (65)

send_ldap_result: conn=7 op=2 p=3

send_ldap_response: msgid=3 tag=105 err=65

ber_flush: 49 bytes to sd 9

connection_get(9): got connid=7

connection_read(9): checking for input on id=7


ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 5 contents:



ber_get_next on fd 9 failed errno=0 (No error)

connection_closing: readying conn=7 sd=9 for close

connection_close: deferring conn=7 sd=9

connection_resched: attempting closing conn=7 sd=9

connection_close: conn=7 sd=9



The policy.ldif:


dn: ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com

ou: pwdpolicies

description: All password Policies

objectClass: organizationalUnit


# Default Password Policy

dn: cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com

objectClass: pwdPolicy

cn: default

pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE

pwdExpireWarning: 259200

pwdFailureCountInterval: 100

pwdGraceAuthNLimit:  0

pwdInHistory: 3

pwdLockout: TRUE

pwdLockoutDuration: 0

pwdMaxFailure: 5

pwdMaxAge: 77760000

pwdMinLength: 6



# Short-lived Password Policy (to be used for testing purposes - 1-day pwd live)


dn: cn=short_lived,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=example,dc=com

objectClass: pwdPolicy

cn: short_lived

pwdMaxAge: 86400

pwdInHistory: 3

pwdMaxFailure: 5

pwdLockout: TRUE

pwdLockoutDuration: 0

pwdGraceAuthNLimit: 0

pwdFailureCountInterval: 0

pwdMinLength: 6

pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE


The commands in my slapd.conf are:


include                  /etc/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema

… (not usre if I need the next line)

loadmodule ppolicy.la


# invokes password policies for this DIT only

overlay ppolicy

# Default ppolicy

ppolicy_default "cn=default,ou=pwdpolicies,dc=zes_example,dc=com"

# Some ppolicy directives






Gisella Saavedra
Sr. Software Engineer


1000 Broadway, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607   |  T+1 510 267 5123  T Main+1 510 267 5000  F+1 510 267 5100  |  http://www.zebra.com/zes





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