Hi !

   We are interested in deploying an openLDAP-based directory supporting the assertions control extension
as defined in RFC 4528.

   According to http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/645.html (list of LDAPv3 features/extensions supported
by the OpenLDAP server) openLDAP 2.3 already supports the assertion contol (we only need to use it in the
LDAPModify operation) but I am not sure about the backends taking care of it (back-ndb and/or back-ldbm would
be ok for us). Could any of you provide us this info?

   I was checking the mail archives, but I did not find the answer ….
Thanks in advance
Best regards / Antonio

Antonio Alonso Alarcón
CUDB System Engineer

Ericsson España, S.A.           Phone: +34 91339 3085
Via de los Poblados 13          Mobile: +34 609640579 (66215)
28033 Madrid, Spain                           Fax: +34 91339 1636
E-mail: Antonio.Alonso@ericsson.com