Hi all,
I'm trying to load ldap with several ldif files. The
biggest one containing 500k records of approx 700 bytes in size each took
slapadd a little over 14 hours to load. Would this be considered normal
given the amount of records and size?
I am including my DB_CONFIG and slapd.conf files to
see if anyone here can help me figure out if I made a mistake while setting
them up.
The command I use for loading is:
slapadd -q -f slapd.conf -l myfile.ldif
One thing I did notice is that using bdb instead of
hdb took the load time to 19 hours.
Anyone have any recommendations?
set_lg_max 209715200
set_lg_bsize 52428800
set_tmp_dir /data/ldap/tmp
set_cachesize 0 209715200 2
set_lk_max_locks 4000
set_lk_max_lockers 4000
set_lk_max_objects 4000
allow bind_v2
include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/my.schema
pidfile /var/run/slapd/build-slapd.pid
argsfile /var/run/slapd/build-slapd.args
password-hash {SSHA}
disallow bind_anon
backend hdb
database hdb
suffix "dc=mydomain,dc=com"
directory "/var/lib/build-ldap"
lastmod on