Hi – is there a way (dangerous though) to clear a directory and start again? I am having an issue by which I can search for an entry, but not delete it.




[root@First-Line lib]# ldapsearch -x -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=TelecityGroup,dc=com" "cn=Sabayon user"

Enter LDAP Password:

# extended LDIF


# LDAPv3

# base <> with scope subtree

# filter: cn=Sabayon user

# requesting: ALL



# sabayon, People, TelecityGroup.com

dn: uid=sabayon,ou=People,dc=TelecityGroup,dc=com

uid: sabayon

cn: Sabayon user

givenName: Sabayon

sn: user

mail: sabayon@TelecityGroup.com

objectClass: person

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: inetOrgPerson

objectClass: posixAccount

objectClass: top

objectClass: shadowAccount

userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fSEh

shadowLastChange: 14088

shadowMax: 99999

shadowWarning: 7

loginShell: /sbin/nologin

uidNumber: 86

gidNumber: 86

homeDirectory: /home/sabayon

gecos: Sabayon user


# search result

search: 2

result: 0 Success


# numResponses: 2

# numEntries: 1


[root@First-Line lib]# ldapdelete -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=TelecityGroup,dc=com" -W "cn=Sabayon user,dc=TelecityGroup,dc=com"

Enter LDAP Password:

ldap_delete: No such object (32)

        matched DN: dc=TelecityGroup,dc=com


I can supply any config info that is required.




Fin Tang

Fin Tang - Unix Systems Administrator

TelecityGroup UK Limited 10th Floor, 6&7 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)207 531 8738 F: +44 20 7005 6060

TelecityGroup – where content meets connectivity.

Winner Best Pan European Data Centre Operator Award 2007, Data Centres Europe Awards.

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No binding contract will be made between an employee of TelecityGroup and a third party either verbally or by email, until a written document has been signed on behalf of TelecityGroup.