ldapwhoami does not work until the password has been changed by manager.  I meant that I can successfully pop mail, ftp to servers using the username and password before it has been changed by the manager account

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierangelo Masarati [mailto:ando@sys-net.it]
Sent: Mon 8/13/2007 3:22 PM
To: Rick Tautin
Cc: openldap-software@openldap.org
Subject: Re: Problem changing passwords after import

Rick Tautin wrote:
> I guess I am not sure what you mean my portable,

I mean: crypt(3) is implementation dependent, so different
implementations (e.g. the one in libc and the one in openssl's
libcrypto) do not interoperate.

> I was able to import
> all the users into ldap and they can successfully authenticate with
> those usernames and passwords.

You mean ldapwhoami works for those users __before__ you force the
password change using the manager identity?  If ldapwhoami does, then
ldappasswd must work as well.

> Why then would just the manager
> account be able to change the password.  Is there away around this if
> they were all crypted with crypt(3)?

No straightforward manner.  You'll need to crack those passwords
(usually trivial with crypt(3)).


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
Mobile:  +39 333 4963172
Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it