I have a idea about OpenLDAP documentation. There´s a good documentation at OpenLDAP website. Why not create more efforts to create a Howto series? I´m writing constantlty a howto week´s about basic OpenLDAP features, like some integrations and hints. We can create something like a wiki, using the OpenLDAP documentation and "translate" this things to Howto´s.
Horward, we can help your efforts? Thanks for your good work.
Gavin Henry wrote:
> Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
>> Howard Chu <> wrote:
>>> Note that this feature was already documented in the existing
>>> slapd/slapadd/slap* manpages in 2.3. It's a shame that we go to the trouble of
>>> writing these docs that nobody actually reads.
>> And it's a sad that project leaders immediatly assume users are just
>> unwilling to read the docs, rather than wondering if the docs need
>> improvement.
> We know they do, and we are. There's no wondering involved ;-)
This bears some repeating. We are continuously investing time and energy into
updating the docs. But if you don't provide feedback like "this part helped"
or "this part is unclear" then we can only assume you're not reading any of
it. If you don't tell us the commands you used, and you don't tell us what
diagnostic output was produced, we can only assume that you don't know how to
ask for help, and that you don't know how to use the software, and that you've
ignored all of the documentation that tells you how to do all these things.
Just saying "this didn't work for me" doesn't tell anybody anything useful.
When you communicate effectively with us, you'll get better information back.
-- Howard Chu
Chief Architect, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP