Hello Dieter,

thanks a lot this was exactly the problem!
When disabling the dynlist overlay valsort works flawlessly. It seems like valsort can't cope with attribute-value pairs "created" by dynlist.

Although valsort is not mission critical (at least for us) I'll file an ITS anyways, because in some cases it's still a more than nice to have feature ;)

Kind regards
Michael Heep

"Dieter Kluenter" <dieter@dkluenter.de>
Gesendet von: openldap-software-bounces+michael.heep=o2.com@openldap.org

22.11.2006 21:38

Re: slapd + valsort using 100% CPU and causing slpad to become        unresponsive

Michael.Heep@o2.com writes:

> Hello list,
> I've been recently experimenting with the valsort overlay. After enabling it
> on the servers in our test environment they became unresponsive after a few
> minutes and a simple "top" showed a 100% cpu utilization on the machines.
> Before filing an ITS I thought I'd first post my problem here. Maybe it's just
> something as simple as a misplaced configuration directive. Therefor I've
> included the relevant information below.
> overlay dynlist
> dynlist-attrset                extensibleObject memberURL uniqueMember

Did you include an attribute in the meberURL string?
I have just faced the same problem.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
N 53°37'10.08"
E 10°08'02.82"