Slapd Provider -
OpenLDAP 2.4
Slapd Consumer -
OpenLDAP 2.4 : running on 2 boards
From provider to
consumer replication is possible
A Client connected
to provider - C test code that uses sync APis is working fine...
A Client connected
to consumer - C test code using Sync Apis gives "Critical Extension
unavailable error". How to resolve this???
More Doubts:
side/consumer side : suppose 3 clients are there.........if one client
modifies an entry , will all the other clients will be able to get notification
Can Clients in
provider side be notified about changes happened to a client in consumer
I am just testing
to learn more about open LDAP sync any input given will help me to
reach my goal faster ...........
Thanks for any help
Irfaz Sait
Software Engineer
Huawei Technologies
India Pvt. Ltd.
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