On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Dieter Kluenter <dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
"Liutauras Adomaitis" <liutauras.adomaitis@gmail.com> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:07 PM, Dieter Kluenter <dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     "Liutauras Adomaitis" <liutauras.adomaitis@gmail.com> writes:
>     > Ok, I solved my problem with glueing databases.I added ldif file
>     > Alias problem is not solved. Although I can use my luma browser and see
>     > replicas as if they were one database, aliases are not working. Is this
>     by
>     > design? Is there any way to make them work in glued databases? I just
>     need a
>     > confirmation if somebody thinks I'm not reading manuals :)
>     I haven't thought about it in depth and i haven't tested it, but think
>     about
>     what is to be replicated, the alias entry or the aliased entry, or
>     both? slapd doesn't know, if the alias entry is to be replicated, the
>     relax control has to be initiated, otherwise the follow alias
>     parameter in ldap.conf.
> Ok,I tried that:
> added DEREF always to my replicas /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file and restarted
> ldap
> My provider started throwing:
> SRCH base="o=BranchX,dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 deref=3 filter="(objectClass=
> *)"
> SRCH attr=* +
> SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=2 nentries=0 text=illegal value for derefAliases

>     probably the seeAlso attribut type may be convenient to you.
> Could you please explain how?

just an example entry:

dn: cn=foo bar,ou=people,o=myCompany
objectClass: person
cn: foo bar
sn: foo
seeAlso: cn=foo bar,ou=otherPeople,o=myCompany

Ups, I think I sent previous message only to Dieter, so resending it again, and dear ask Dieter again:
I couldn't find any good info about seeAlso atribute, so what should I expect out of the this entry
should it behave similar as alias?
I'm using my aliases for authenticated (just in case it is important)
